At the time of this book, "Exploration", the 7 elven races were almost entirely distinct, with Michael Capitan Junior being the only well-known half-breed. Therefore, by being told the race or national origin of an elven, you would be pretty sure of certain aspects of his or her appearance. Likewise, by one characteristic such as hair color, you would be able to determine not only race, but also be pretty sure of their other physical characteristics (ie it is reasonable to assume that an elven with black hair during this time period also had black eyes, while one with yellow blonde hair would definitely have blue to green eyes, the only notable exceptions being Michael who has brown eyes, and those from mythology such as Time who had characteristics comparable to a half lava-elven, half snow-elven (gray and white elven)).The following chart shows those racial characteristics:
Race: |
Cave |
Desert |
Forest |
Lava |
Sea |
Snow |
Veldt |
Hair: |
Black |
Red |
Brown |
Gray |
Y-Blonde |
White |
D-Brown |
Eyes: |
Black |
Red |
Green |
Gray |
Blue/Green |
Lt. Blue |
D-Brown |
Skin: |
Pale |
Redden |
Brown |
Ashen |
Tan |
Peach |
D-Brown |
Height: |
Shorter |
Taller |
Tall |
Tall |
Short |
Shortest |
Tallest |
Build: |
Thin |
Stout |
Cut / Thin |
Built |
Slender |
Varies |
Big/Varies |
Clothes: |
Leather |
Scales/Fur | Buckskin |
Pelts |
Bearskin |
Fibers | Clan Skins |
Magic: (base) |
Black (violet) |
Red (red) |
Green (green) |
Gray (indigo) |
Blue (blue) |
White (yellow) |
Brown (orange) |